Reviews about Do-It-Yourself : gardening, home products and tools

DuneFM specializes in the selection and review of products related to DIY, design, gardening and utilities for those who like to spend time doing manual work.

Garden tools

To help you choose the garden tool that you need, here are all our tips and tools tests to facilitate your gardening: shovels, spades, rakes, secateurs, sludge and many more …

Hand tools

Whether to work the land, weeding or pruning shrubs and other plants, the garden tools are more and more technical, new materials are coming to the market to further improve the comfort of gardeners … In this section, are gathered all tips to help you choose the right tool, but also the result of tests we have done …

Great brands of gardening

There are not so many brands, but when I think garden tools, I see Gardena, Fiskars, Leborgne, Hozelock … On, we select brands that are renowned for their quality and are available on the internet or in the supermarket near you. Our tips and tricks are dedicated to DIYers who like to work by themselves and do manual work.

All tips and tests of garden tools

Find in this section all the tips and tricks in DIY to help you repair, renovate and beautify your interior / exterior

The main topics of the DIY approach:

Here are some of the topics covered in this section:

  • The painting
  • Masonry
  • Woodwork
  • Plumbing
  • Electricity …

To save time and help you in all these tasks, find also DIY tips


When you want to do DIY work or manual production, the choice of tools and materials is essential for the successful completion of the project. To each material its characteristics, cutting techniques, drilling … Here are all the topics concerning the different materials found in a house: plaster, cement, metal, wood …

The different materials

Here are the main materials that are found most often in a house …

  • Wood
  • Metal
  • The BA13
  • Glass

The different cutting techniques

With each material, its cutting technique, the wood and the metal do not offer the same resistance, so even if one can use the same tools most of the time, one needs adapted blades … Thus, on DuneFM., we do the analysis and give feedback on products that we tested and liked.

For glass, there is another story, without a diamond, you will not be able to do much (see how to cut glass)

For the Placo, it’s simpler, a cutter and voila … (see how to cut BA13)
Here are all the articles in question


Interior decoration is endless, we always have a new idea to improve are interior, here are all my ideas and tips to dress your rooms …

The painting

After the shell, comes the time of the painting of the walls and ceiling, but what color to choose, how to create bands of color, here are some questions for which I propose answers …

Dress up your walls

Then comes the stage of decoration with objects of recovery, paintings, paintings and other accessories to beautify your home …

DIY : Do It Yourself and have fun

The DIY, or doing it yourself, is the realization of objects like no other, made by his own hands …

Here are my achievements and tips to make yourself decorative objects, toys …

What is it ?

To know everything about DIY, here is an article that will tell you about DIY …

The different themes

  • DIY for children
  • DIY for animals
  • DIY: decorative objects
  • DIY for Christmas

Not to mention the wooden boxes that you can use for your achievements